Trusted third party

Image for Trusted third party

Data protection

Everyone likes to be sure that their personal data is protected, and no one wants to have data shared without authorisation.

This is why MyTrusty acts as a trusted third party between you and the assessed person.

Read our privacy policy evaluated candidate

MyTrusty only grants access to aggregated, non-personal information. You are thus guaranteed data protection and are ensured access to sufficient aggregated information, allowing you to demonstrate your financial health.

Your bank data is protected and anonymised. The report grants access only to aggregated, non-personalised data.

The consent and privacy of each assessed individual are respected since only authorised bank data is collected and analysed. To ensure the security of this data, MyTrusty has recourse to the very latest security protocols.

MyTrusty benefits from the support of the Belgian company Fintensy. Active in digital credit solutions, it has developed recognised expertise in the analysis and protection of personal data. The experience and know-how of MyTrusty are the assurance you need to benefit from an accurate and reliable financial evaluation.